Friday, August 20, 2010

What a busy week!

We had a busy week this week. We've gone from "daycare center" to sick person house to house of never ending doctor appointments. The week started off perfect with a visit from my BFF, Stacie. I got to spend some time this week with my friend and her baby, Katie & Carter. We got to watch Katie's niece, adorable Mackenzie. I unfortunately got sick and passed it to my 2 kids :( but they seem to be fairing pretty well. Now I think my hubbie is coming down with it, and for him it will be the "man flu". Today I took my son to his 1 month doctor appt. We found out he's in the 90th percentile for weight....11lbs 11oz! But he's still my adorable LITTLE He's in the 50th percentile for height....21.75" and he's in the 32nd percentile for his head....14.84". We are blessed to have a healthy, growing baby boy. I got to spend a little time today with my niece, Cecelia, whom I love dearly. Just seeing her, no matter how sick I felt, put a smile on my face. This week I even fit in a Body Flow doubt thanks to the extra motivation of having to meet Melissa there. So another week that makes me ready to hit the couch and relax all weekend long....but there is no time for that. Lots to get done this weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Loooove that last pic of G and C. It shows both their personalities so well!
    I can't believe Dominic is so fat! HAHA! CONGRATS to you momma for plumping him up on all that milk!
