Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Some of my favorite things....

Giada got to spend some quality time with Aunt Stacie this weekend. Although she had a crying spell, all in all she loves spending time with Aunt Stacie! But Aunt Stacie caught Giada in the act of sucking her thumb! I still can't help it, I think it's cute. Now, when i have to pay large orthodontist bills to fix problems thumb sucking causes I may not think it's cute!
Daddy also found out that Giada loves cruising around in her jeep (thanks cousin Cecelia for the jeep!!)


  1. I think thumb sucking is a good thing! Almost all babies outgrow it by age 1 and it's a great self-soother. And she DOES look so darn cute doing it!

  2. she looks so adorable sucking her thumb. im excited to see her and you guys tomorrow! i will get to see how big she has gotten since katies shower.

  3. What a cutie pie! The rain better hold off for tomorrow so I can play with Giada while you go on the bike ride! Can't wait to see you guys tomrorow night :)
