Friday, September 24, 2010

Our growing boy

Dominic had his 2 month doctor's appt this week. Although he still doesn't sleep for longer than 4 hour stretches and seems to cry a lot during the day, the doctor is happy with his progress and all in all says we have a healthy baby boy :) A healthy and GROWING baby boy! Here are his stats:

Weight: 14lbs 5 oz (92%)
Height: 22.5" (25%)
Head: 15.47" (27%)

So yes, Dominic does like to eat. And I love all the time I get to spend with him while he is eatting (well, maybe not so much when he needs to eat when we are at a restaurant where breastfeeding isn't the most comfortable)
Here is a recent pic of our adorable Dominic and Giada.

And just Dominic hanging in one of his favorite spots.....his swing

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