Friday, August 28, 2009

A day of fun :)

Giada got to hang out with her buddy Jackson today. They still aren't too interactive, but they did enjoy looking at a book together! It's so fun to watch them grow up together and see all of the changes in their short couple of months of life.

Daddy was able to snap a couple of pictures of Giada eating her favorite food, oatmeal (at least her favorite for right now!) A little messy, but it's pretty fun feeding it to her!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Giada's first 5k!

Giada and family participated in her first 5k tonight! Daddy pushed Giada on the 3.2 mile hilly course! It was the Amos Herr 5k run in Landisville. Daddy's sentiments after the race were "If I would have known it was that hilly I might have thought twice about pushing her!". But even pushing Giada daddy still finished before mommy! ugh! :)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Giada's first night out with the Ship crew!

Every so often some of us that went to Shippensburg and our families get together for dinner. It's so nice to see everyone and catch up! Tonight we went to TJ Rockwell's in Mechanicsburg. How things have changed since we were all in grad school together! Kids have been added and have definitley changed the dynamic of our get togethers, but in a good way! Giada loved meeting her new friends!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

She is back-sleeping!!

I caught Giada in this position today!! She will be playing in her crib and all the sudden fall asleep on her back! I don't think it's a deep sleep, but I am just happy that she is learning to sleep in all sorts of positions :)
Giada went for her 4 month check up yesterday. She had to get shots, that is never fun :( But here is some info on how she is a healthy, growing baby:
Height: 24" (32%)
Weight: 15.5 lbs (78%)
Head Circumference: 15.75" (17%)
So yes, she has a small, peanut like But the doctor said her growth curve is perfect for her.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Giada's first family vacation!

Well, it's official! Giada has experienced her first beach vacation! And I would say she enjoyed it! She learned and experienced lots of new things while at the beach. On Wednesday she rolled over from her back to her belly for the first time. She did this in front of Grandma, but refused to do it again so mommy could see. hahaha....Daddy did see her do it also. She also found her feet and has so much fun playing with them. She got in a pool for the first time and even tried to ride the boogie board in the pool but didn't seem to like it. She didn't seem to like how cold the ocean water was, but absolutely LOVED her beach naps! She slept for almost 3hours on the beach and probably would have slept more, but we had to leave so i had to wake her up! She enjoyed spending time with her cousin Cecelia.

Giada laughing at her daddy

Giada in the pool with mommy

Giada and Cecelia taking a nap from all the shopping at outlets!

Monkey PJ night for Cecelia and Giada....I think the adults were more excited than Giada and

Comfortably napping on Aunt Melissa...ahhh!

Giada with her 2 favorite men...Daddy and Wembley!

Giada in the pool with Mommy and Daddy

Hanging out with Uncle Andy...her first dip in the pool